- The competition won't be a scavenger hunt like some people were asking about at the activity period meeting where students have to go to multiple teachers to get clues. There will be one teacher who is the "fugitive".
- Tess will be the project leader
- We'll try to have competition the week of February 4th-8th
- No one from club can participate
- The clues should be vague at first and get harder
- Winner will get a $50 Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks gift card
- Promotion *hype up during week before
- Posters- Tess, Mikey
- Table at lunch with facts and clues (lolly pops-Sarah)
- MM and lunch announcements- have facts and clues posted daily
- Michela- intercom announcements
December 11, 2012
$50 Fugitive!
The $50 Fugitive group met on December 6th to plan for the project. Here are notes from the meeting:
November 29, 2012
Meeting 11-29-12
We will be working on a lot of projects in the next few weeks and after break!
Kenneth and Ellie will work with the Colonel to see if they will write an article about human trafficking using the slaveryfootprint.com survey.
Asia will start organizing a movie night for Taken--look out for info on Facebook about when it will be so you can attend!
The group that volunteered to help with the fugative project will have a planning meeting on December 6th at 7:00 am in room 211. That's Stephanie, Sarah, Mandy, Ellie, Rachel, Michela, Melissa, Mikey, Jess, and Tess.
Remember to check the Facebook group between now and the next meeting for project updates!
Kenneth and Ellie will work with the Colonel to see if they will write an article about human trafficking using the slaveryfootprint.com survey.
Asia will start organizing a movie night for Taken--look out for info on Facebook about when it will be so you can attend!
The group that volunteered to help with the fugative project will have a planning meeting on December 6th at 7:00 am in room 211. That's Stephanie, Sarah, Mandy, Ellie, Rachel, Michela, Melissa, Mikey, Jess, and Tess.
Remember to check the Facebook group between now and the next meeting for project updates!
November 14, 2012
Meeting 11-14-12
Today we talked about human trafficking, the equivalent of modern day slavery.
Here is the slavery footprint quiz, so you can find out how many slaves work for you.
And here is the video we didn't get to watch in class today from Love 146. Check out their website too!
Think about how we could raise awareness of this issue within the school for our next meeting.
Here is the slavery footprint quiz, so you can find out how many slaves work for you.
And here is the video we didn't get to watch in class today from Love 146. Check out their website too!
Think about how we could raise awareness of this issue within the school for our next meeting.
November 9, 2012
Freerice Final Standings
In total, 376,190 grains were earned.
First place- Seniors with 152,210 grains
Second place- Juniors with 133,000 grains
Third place- Sophomores with 43,520 grains
Fourth place- Freshmen with 30,680 grains
Congratulations Seniors!
November 8, 2012
Freerice Update
Current standings:
First place: Juniors, 102,780 grains
Second place: Seniors, 72,530 grains
Third place: Sophomores, 35,680 grains
Fourth place: Freshmen, 28,440 grains
First place: Juniors, 102,780 grains
Second place: Seniors, 72,530 grains
Third place: Sophomores, 35,680 grains
Fourth place: Freshmen, 28,440 grains
November 5, 2012
Freerice Spirit Week Competition!
The FreeRice spirit week competition has begun! Log on to the school account at freerice.com:
Username: LedyardHighSchool
Password: ledyard
After you log on, chose the group that corresponds to whichever class you want to earn rice for:
Username: LedyardHighSchool
Password: ledyard
After you log on, chose the group that corresponds to whichever class you want to earn rice for:
- LHSSeniors
- LHSJuniors
- LHSSophomores
- LHSFreshmen
November 4, 2012
FreeRice Posters
Because of the hurricane and not being able to have posters made and approved, we are going to change plans--instead, Haley is going to make a flier that we're going to get approved and hang up ASAP. Thanks to everyone who volunteered to make posters though, it was great to see so many people volunteer to help with our first project!
To adapt to less time to promote the competition, we are also going to try to do lots of promotion through Facebook (it's easier because we don't have to go through any approval processes!). Please look out for when we post info here or on the Facebook group and help out that way!
To adapt to less time to promote the competition, we are also going to try to do lots of promotion through Facebook (it's easier because we don't have to go through any approval processes!). Please look out for when we post info here or on the Facebook group and help out that way!
October 24, 2012
Liberty in North Korea
This is an interesting organization that Kenn has shared with us!!
October 17, 2012
Meeting Notes: 10-10-12
Here are some notes from our meeting back on October, 10th:
- Join the Facebook group if you haven't yet, it's called LHS Amnesty International.
- Katy, Asia, and Savannah will be preparing some information on human trafficking for us for the next meeting.
- Don't forget to sign the petition below if you have not yet to prevent the destruction of ancient site Mes Aynak.
- Free Rice:
- Haley and Lauren will be organizing our FreeRice Spirit Week competition (assuming it gets approved, which we are in the process of doing right now!).
- We will promote the competition through posters, MM announcements, and possibly an intercom announcement.
- Mandy, Katy, Elizabeth, and Rachelle will make posters to help with promotion (three posters each). Look out for more info about what to include on the posters the next week or two!
October 10, 2012
Prevent destruction of ancient site of Mes Aynak
Please sign this petition to help stop the destruction of the ancient site of Mes Aynak and the environmental damage that will occur as a result of the Chinese mining for copper.
September 26, 2012
Meeting this Thursday
Hi everyone! Our first meeting of the year will be this Thursday in room 211. Hope to see you there!
September 25, 2012
Updated Activity Period Schedule for the Year
Periods 2012-2013
Sept 27 Thur 9:30-10:00 (AIM60)
Oct 10 Wed 9:20-9:50 (AIM45)
Nov 7 Wed 9:08-9:38 (AIM30)
Nov 29 Thur 9:20-9:50 (AIM45)
Dec 12 Wed 9:30-10:00 (AIM60)
Jan 24 Thur 9:08-9:38 (AIM30)
Feb 13 Wed 9:30-10:00 (AIM60)
Mar 21 Thur 9:30-10:00 (AIM60)
Apr 24 Wed 9:20-9:50 (AIM45)
May 29 Wed 9:08-9:38 (AIM30)September 18, 2012
Activity Periods this Year
As of now we only have 9 activity periods this year. The are 9/27, 10/10, 11/7, 11/29, 12/12, 1/24, 2/13, 3/21, 5/29
June 6, 2012
Year in Review/Amnesty 2012-2013...
Through Jamnesty, selling t-shirts, movie screenings, and other projects our club organized this year, we have raised awareness about the importance of protecting human rights and have raised money to donate to Amnesty International through Jamnesty. We had a great year with lots of successful events and projects!
Our leadership group, Tess, Mandy, Jess and I, who will help lead the club next school year, met today to reflect on the past year and to brainstorm project ideas for next year. Here's what we discussed:
Our leadership group, Tess, Mandy, Jess and I, who will help lead the club next school year, met today to reflect on the past year and to brainstorm project ideas for next year. Here's what we discussed:
- Leadership Group:
- 4 Juniors
- 1 Sophomore
- 1 Freshman
- Create a new Facebook group to communicate with club
- What can be improved for next year:
- Movie nights: pick a less busy time of year, better promotion
- Current issue presentations, quicker/more interactive
- What went well this year:
- Jamensty
- Free Rice
- Blog
- Project ideas and goals for next year:
- Ultimate frisbee tournament
- Permanent event, maybe in fall
- More consistent
- Dance off
- Speaker
May 17, 2012
Womens Rights in Afghanistan
Send a message to be flown on a kite at the upcoming NATO Summit voicing your support of women's rights in Afghanistan through Amnesty International.
May 9, 2012
Leadership Group
If you would like to be considered to be invited to join the leadership group or would like more information, please contact Jenna, Brenna, Mr. Jannke or Mr. Murphy as soon as possible.
May 1, 2012
April 30, 2012
April 29, 2012
Jamnesty 2012
Jamnesty 2012 was a huge success with 10 bands and over 150 people in attendance. We celebrated Amnesty International's 50th birthday in style. Temporary Name, Ukulele Orchestra, Double O Negative, In This Order and Justin, Duncan, Kendall & the Jester played in the first set. Everyone learned about what Amnesty International has been doing over the last half century. It's amazing what they/we've accomplished over the years without the Internet, Facebook and Twitter! Too Mainstream, The Half, Silver Hammer, Kendall & the Kendallettes and Stand Tall performed during the second set. Throughout the evening we were entertained by our incredible MCs Ally and Mitch. Congratulations to this year's winners!
- 1st Place - Too Mainstream
- 2nd Place - Silver Hammer
- 3rd Place - Justin, Duncan, Kendall & the Jester
April 27, 2012
April 26, 2012
Jamnesty is Tomorrow!!
Jamnesty is finally here! Be at the school at 6:00 to help set up. Wear your Amnesty shirt tomorrow to school and tomorrow night.
Make sure you spread the word with your friends to come tomorrow night, too. We have 10 bands--it should be a good competition!
Make sure you spread the word with your friends to come tomorrow night, too. We have 10 bands--it should be a good competition!
April 25, 2012
Connecticut Abolishes the Death Penalty
As of today, Connecticut is the 17th state in the United States to abolish the death penalty. Thank Governor Dannel Malloy and other Connecticut leaders through Amnesty International for their work with the bill here.
April 23, 2012
Invisible Children...
Thanks so much to everyone who attended the screening! It was great to have so many people from our club attend.
Here is a video about what is coming up next for IC:
Here is a video about what is coming up next for IC:
April 21, 2012
Screening Tomorrow!!
Remember, our screening is tomorrow at 6:00 at St. Luke Lutheran Church. Come see the Kony 2012 movie and hear about the conflict. Bring your friends and family too!
April 20, 2012
Cover the Night (Day #5)
Today is the day to Cover the Night! Look around on Facebook to find a group you can meet up with to serve your community then hang up posters.
April 19, 2012
Cover the Night Day #4
Contact your head of state via twitter, email, or a personal note to encourage them to unite with other world leaders to stop LRA atrocities.
Cover the Night Day #3
Ask your head of state to support the international effort to stop LRA violence and help rehabilitate the communities affected by the conflict.
April 18, 2012
Shirt Schedule for Lunch
lunch: Haley,
lunch: Brenna, Katy
lunch: Alex, Michela
lunch: Brenna, Katy
lunch: Mandy, Lauren
lunch: Michela,
lunch: Mikayla,
lunch: Jenna
lunch: Tess,
lunch: Lauren Susi,
lunch: Brenna, Katy
lunch: Haley, Alex
lunch: Tess,
lunch: Lauren Susi,
lunch: Mandy,
Lauren Scahill
When you are selling shirts, remember:
- Remind people to wear their shirts
on April 27th, 2012 for Amnesty Shirt day.
- First
lunch: get shirts and cash box form office, leave shirts under table for
second lunch. Second lunch: Shirts will be under table, get cash box from
office. Bring everything back to the office at the end of lunch.
- Layout
one of each color shirt on the table.
- Shirts
are $10.
- Be polite!
Cover the Night Day #3
Today, tweet these four key world leaders whose support of the African Union will be critical in stopping LRA violence:
April 17, 2012
Cover the Night Day #2
For day two, contact the African Union and United Nations through Twitter to encourage them to continue to take action to stop the LRA.
Jamensty Committee Calender
Check out the new Jamnesty Committee Task calender on the right of the page to see what your committee needs to acomplish before Jamensty.
April 16, 2012
IC's Cover the Night
Leading up to Cover the Night, Invisible Children has a full week of advocacy planned.
Today, Monday, they are asking you to sign the Kony 2012 pledge showing you support IC's efforts and share it with your friends.
Don't forget to spread the word about our screening coming up in six days on April 22nd at St. Luke Lutheran Church!
Today, Monday, they are asking you to sign the Kony 2012 pledge showing you support IC's efforts and share it with your friends.
Don't forget to spread the word about our screening coming up in six days on April 22nd at St. Luke Lutheran Church!
April 12, 2012
Cover the Night at LHS
Come to LHS at 6:00 pm this Saturday, April 14th, if you are free to hang up Invisible Children posters for our Cover the Night to promote our upcoming screening on April 20th.
April 10, 2012
Tom's One Day Without Shoes, that raises awareness about the daily struggles of those who are forced to live without shoes, is happening today, April 10th. Participate if you can!
March 30, 2012
Jamnesty Committee Meetings
On April 3rd, Tuesday of next week, after school, all Jamnesty committee leaders will have meetings for their committees in Mr. Jannke's room. This time will give you a chance to connect with what is happening with your committee and plan for when we come back from spring break. Remember, even though there is four weeks until Jamnesty, the first two will be mostly for planning. The two weeks after we come back from break will be the most important for promotion and organizing everything, so we need to be ready. Come for however long you can.
March 28, 2012
Jamnesty Band Information
Here is our Jamnesty band information handout. To print handouts to distribute, email ledyardai@gmail.com.
See you there!
The LHS Amnesty International club presents:
Jamnesty 2012
April 27th at 7pm
Thank you for showing the interest in LHS’ annual Jamnesty, a Battle of
the Bands concert right here at Ledyard High! Here is some information you will
need to know about the event:
Your band will
need to sign up by April 4th.
A mandatory band
meeting will take place April 4th, at 2:15 p.m. in room 211.
The money made at
the competition will be donated to Amnesty International by the LHS Amnesty
International club, an organization that works to protect human rights around
the world.
Talk to Mr.
Jannke (room 211) if you have questions about what equipment you will need to
If you have any questions, please contact
Melissa Billing, Mr. Jannke, or myself.
Help repeal the death penalty in Connecticut
Connecticut is close to repealing the death penalty. A bill that would repeal the penalty has been endorsed by the Judiciary Committee and is now moving to the state Senate.
Encourage our state legislator to repeal the death penalty by sending them this message.
Encourage our state legislator to repeal the death penalty by sending them this message.
Jamnesty Committees Update
Here are the tasks (and new tasks-promotion only) each committee needs to aim to accomplish by this Friday, March 30th. Contact ledyardai@gmail.com with questions, contact your committee leader to help:
Music: Jess, Melissa
Start to work on the plans you made last
meeting for getting bands information about the band meeting and Jamnesty (Distribute
fliers to all the people on the list of bands you made as soon as possible).
Talk to people that have bands and try to get
them excited to play at Jamnesty so they will sign up. Ask them if they know of
any other bands in the school
Remember, the band meeting is next Wednesday
and after that, no other bands can sign up, so it is so important you talk to
Stage: Sarah, Rachel,
Mikayla, Savannah, Asia
Get the lights and sound people to commit to
coming on the 27th if they have not yet.
Talk to Mr. Hammond if you have not yet about
if Jamnesty will be a problem to have on the stage before Bye Bye Birdie.
· Talk to bands, band members, and people who know about LHS bands and have them sign up for the band meeting on April 4th in Mr. Jannke’s room.
House: Paige, Mandy, Lauren,
Haley, Allison
Try to get most, if not all Jamnesty judges
to commit to coming to the event. People are usually busy during this time of
year, so it’s important to talk to them as soon as you can.
· Talk to bands, band members, and people who know about LHS bands and have them sign up for the band meeting on April 4th in Mr. Jannke’s room.
Think about MC’s for the event.
Promotion: Tess, Fran,
Elizabeth, Stephanie, Laura, Katlyn, Michela
Plan on making posters all next week so all posters can be approved by April 5th, the day before spring break. It will be
easy for you guys to hang them up as soon as possible when we get back.
Finalize all the promotion ideas you made at
the last meeting and assign them to people in your group.
Have committee members think about ideas for
· Talk to bands, band members, and people who know about LHS bands and have them sign up for the band meeting on April 4th in Mr. Jannke’s room.
Talk to Mr. green and Mr. Hammond and ask them to tell their band
and chorus classes about Jamnesty. Give them ten handouts each.
March 22, 2012
March 21, 2012
Human Rights Issue Focus: Syria
Here is the online petition that Mr. Murphy talked about in our meeting today. Sign this petition to urge the Russian government, who has been supplying the Syrian government with arms which they are using against their own people, to stop sending weapons and to intervene to help stop the bloodshed.
March 20, 2012
Meeting Tomorrow
During activity period tomorrow we will talk about Jamnesty, AI awareness week, and we will learn about the human rights conflict in Syria.
March 14, 2012
Yearbook Picture...Again!
Unfortunately, the yearbook picture we had taken a while back has been lost, so we will be taking another one this Friday during morning meeting in Mr. Jannke's room, 211. Wear your shirt if you have one and get to rm. 211 as fast as possible so we will have time to take the picture. Don't worry about getting permission to leave morning meeting, Mr. Jannke is emailing your teachers.
See you Friday!
See you Friday!
March 13, 2012
March 10, 2012
One Day Without Shoes
Keep your fingers crossed Sarah and everyone working to bring One Day Without Shoes to LHS will be able to go through with the event. You can get more information about One Day Without Shoes on the event's website and watch the video below.
March 3, 2012
Invisible Children is coming!
After lots of phone calls and emails, we have set up a screening with Invisible Children! The screening will be on April 22nd at St. Luke Lutheran Church in Gales Ferry form 6:00 pm until 7:00 pm. Our attendance goal for the screening is 200 people, so we are going to need to work hard to promote this screening around school and within our community.
For now you can spread the word that IC is coming by telling your friends and getting them excited. Explain to the people you talk to that this year, IC wants Joseph Kony to be captured and taken to the International Criminal Court, and they want to spread the story of the war the LRA has been waging against the innocent people of central Africa to as many people as possible. On Facebook you can share IC's Kony 2012 video explaining their tour for this year. Also, the world primer of IC's Kony 2012 movie will be on march 5th at 12:00 pm PST, so at 3:00 pm on the east coast, on the Kony 2012 website.
We will talk more about this at our next meeting. Try to brainstorm creative ways we can advertise the event.
For now you can spread the word that IC is coming by telling your friends and getting them excited. Explain to the people you talk to that this year, IC wants Joseph Kony to be captured and taken to the International Criminal Court, and they want to spread the story of the war the LRA has been waging against the innocent people of central Africa to as many people as possible. On Facebook you can share IC's Kony 2012 video explaining their tour for this year. Also, the world primer of IC's Kony 2012 movie will be on march 5th at 12:00 pm PST, so at 3:00 pm on the east coast, on the Kony 2012 website.
We will talk more about this at our next meeting. Try to brainstorm creative ways we can advertise the event.
Jamnesty Committees
Here are the Jamnesty committees! We apologise if you did not get put in the committee you originally requested. If you would prefer to be moved to a new committee, let us know (ledyardai@gmail.com). Thank you to everyone who volunteered! Also, we will be in touch with committee leaders soon.
Promotion: You'll help spread the word to the school and community about Jamnesty and why they should come.
Committee Leader: Tess
Committee Members: Fran, Elizabeth, Stephanie, Laura, Katlyn, Michela, Alex, Katy, Lauren Susi
Music: This committee will be in charge of the bands.
Committee Leader: Jess
Committee Members: Melissa
House: The house committee will sell tickets, sell food at the event, and be in charge of picking the judges and helping them during the event.
Committee Leader: Paige
Committee Members: Mandy, Lauren Scahill, Haley, Allison
Stage: You will make sure everything backstage runs smoothly during the event.
Committee Leader: Sarah
Committee Members: Mikayla, Rachel, Savannah, Asia
Promotion: You'll help spread the word to the school and community about Jamnesty and why they should come.
Committee Leader: Tess
Committee Members: Fran, Elizabeth, Stephanie, Laura, Katlyn, Michela, Alex, Katy, Lauren Susi
Music: This committee will be in charge of the bands.
Committee Leader: Jess
Committee Members: Melissa
House: The house committee will sell tickets, sell food at the event, and be in charge of picking the judges and helping them during the event.
Committee Leader: Paige
Committee Members: Mandy, Lauren Scahill, Haley, Allison
Stage: You will make sure everything backstage runs smoothly during the event.
Committee Leader: Sarah
Committee Members: Mikayla, Rachel, Savannah, Asia
February 29, 2012
Take Action with Amnesty International Online
Since we did not make it to the computer lab during our meeting today, here is the link to the page on the Amnesty website where you can go to sign their appeals for action.
Ideas for AI Awareness Week
Here are some of the ideas we had for our upcoming AI awareness week. Please email me any ideas that were left out at ledyardai@gmail.com.
- Trivia questions for morning meetings, whichever morning meeting answers the most questions correctly out of each class gets a reward, the overall winner will get a pizza party
- Announcements during morning meeting each day or posters around school about different causes AI has helped
- Have everyone wear their Amnesty shirts at the end of the week on April 27th
February 27, 2012
February 24, 2012
Kony 2012
The details of our Invisible Children screening for this spring are still being worked out...
But for now check out IC's new spring tour website specifically for Kony 2012.
But for now check out IC's new spring tour website specifically for Kony 2012.
February 23, 2012
Jamnesty Cause
February 19, 2012
Write for Rights Update
Thank you to everyone who participated in Write for Rights! We were able to send 27 letters to 10 different countries to help end human rights abuses. You can still view cases of human rights abuses and write to help try to protect the people being affected anytime on your own.
February 14, 2012
January 24, 2012
January 20, 2012
T-Shirt Update
Happy end of the semester! Hopefully your exams went well.
We will begin selling t-shirts again in the next few weeks during lunch. Remember to continue to promote our shirts!
We will begin selling t-shirts again in the next few weeks during lunch. Remember to continue to promote our shirts!
January 6, 2012
Jabbar Savalan Freed
Jabbar Savalan has received a presidential pardon as a result of Amnesty International's Write for Rights campaign. He was imprisoned by the Azerbaijani government for possession of marijuana, when just a day earlier, he called for Arab Spring inspired protests against the government on Facebook. Check out the article below for more information:
AI Club Update
With our next meeting a while away, we just wanted to update you all on what we have been thinking about in terms of current and future projects.
- T-Shirt Sales: We are going to start t-shirt sales again sometime after finals. Also, if you know of any events coming up where we might be able to sell shirts, let Mr. Jannke, Mr. Murphy, Jenna or I know.
- Jamnesty: Jamnesty is scheduled for April 27th. We are going back to the basics, and will most likely be donating our proceeds to Amnesty International as they celebrated their 50th anniversary this past year. Please think about other possible causes and ideas that would improve the event--we are open to suggestions!
- 30 Hour Famine: Some of you expressed interest in participating in the famine, and I do not think we will not be able to do it with our Amnesty Club because it is based with a religious organization. However, I am wondering how many would still be interested if we did an event out of school. If you are, please let me (Brenna) know.
See you on January 25th!
January 2, 2012
From the World Food Programme...

You can feed a hungry school child one meal through the World Food Programme, the group behind Freerice, by taking this five question quiz about hunger:
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