April 22, 2009

YUGA - Youth United for Global Action and Awareness

Check out this amazing camp that Porter Reim is planning to attend this summer. It just happens to be in Rhode Island. YUGA

"YUGA — Youth United for Global Action and Awareness is a network of young people around the US taking local action on global issues like poverty, HIV/AIDS, climate change and child exploitation. YUGA members run campaigns in their schools and communities throughout the year to get their peers involved in global issues and engaged as agents of change in our world."

Not for Sale Links

Here are several important Not for Sale links that you should investigate.
Facebook Cause
MySpace (link coming soon)

Jamnesty Cause Chosen

We decided on our focus for Jamnesty 2009 today. We are focusing on human trafficking which results in slavery, especially of women and children. Our efforts will largely center around supporting the Not for Sale campaign. Visit www.notforsalecampaign.org to learn more!

Baha'i in Iran

During activity period today, AI club students heard a presentation by Ms. Pantalone and an Iranian Baha'i on the persecution of people of the Baha'i faith in Iran. This is currently a growing problem. For more information visit: iran.bahai.us

Jamnesty Dates

Important dates for Amnesty, mark your calendars:
Band sign up deadline – May 8
Mandatory band member meeting – May 14 at 2:20 in room 211
Jamnesty – June 6 at 7pm